Mahanath, Pashupati, Rudra. — Problem in Name recognization
# 2 Rudra Aksha – tears of shiva, Should not lie if you ware.
# 3 Connected to Dog, If you go against they will bite you.
6th house about pets, 6th from the 6th 11th bhavath bhavam large animals.
4th house car, 7th house ships, tucks etc.
9th house is father, 5th house childer, and smarter generation
lagns is connection of both.
5th is 9th from 9th, pitris of your father.
# 4 – Draw Chart, Naturam Godse,
3, 6, 8, 12 – Dasha Lord, Mars, Saturn, Rahu Connections required. For murder.
Daksha Prajapati – Head Cutting,
Bhrama Head Cuting – about saraswati complaint.
Ego can be damaged.
Computers, Software, research, foreign travel, mechanics, etc.
12 Houses about Arudra. – All 12 Lagns.
9 Planets for different lagns.
Story of Dakshana Yagna
Howling & Bhramma – Naming
Story of Rudraksha
Reorganization problem.
More about Ardra
Star: Ardra
Rasi (Zodiac): Gemini
Range: 06o 40’ – 20o 00’ Gemini
Padas: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Ruling Planet: Rahu (The North Node of the Moon – Head)
Meaning: “The Moist One”, “The Wet One”
Indication: “The Star of Sorrow”, “Star of Oppression”
Body Part: Eyes and the Back and Front of the Head
Guna (Quality): Tamas
Gana (Race): Manushya (Human)
Purushartha (Goal): Kama (Latent Desires, Passion)
Tridosha: Vata (Wind or Air + Space)
Nature/ Category of Star: Tikshna (Tragic/Sharp/ Dreadful)
Varna (Caste): Butcher
Gotra (Clan): Pulaha (name translates as the “Bridger of Space”)
Direction: West
Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Apas (Water)
Shakti (Power): Yatna Shakti (The Power to “Make an Effort and Achievement”)
Basis Above: To Hunt or Search
Basis Below: To Reach the Goal
Desire: To Gain Lordship Over the Animals
Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Brings about Achievement
Activity: Balanced
Tri Murthi (Process):Shiva (Dissolve)
Direction of Mouth / Motion: Urdhwa Mukha (Looking Up/ Facing Upwards)
Yoni (Gender): Female
Animal Symbol: Dog
Bird: Andril (A Blackish coloured Bird), Swan
Sounds: Khu, Khaa, Jna, Chha
Plant/ Tree: Agar wood, Black Ebony, Tendu or Krushnagus (Latin Name: Diospyros Melanoxylon or Aquillaria Agalocha)
Colour: Green
Ardra Nakshatra 1st Pada: This is the pada which makes the native a social worker. The natives of this pada will be willing to support people in trouble. But this support is limited to physical support. They have sharp mind and are consistent in their work. The native of this pada has thick limbs, large head and protruding veins. It creates real turbulence in mind and such natives may find it difficult to conclude anything easily. Natives of this pada must meditate to keep this storm under control. Natives born in this Nakshatra can be recognized by their fair complexion, large face and red eyes.
Ardra Nakshatra 2nd Pada: It indicates excessive malfeasance. The negative attributes of the Nakshatra is felt maximum in this pada. But, it makes the native very practical and materialistic. But material prosperity is possible only when Saturn and Mercury are well placed; but that too after struggle and after the age of 32 years. The negative attributes of the nakshatra are usually manifested through this quarter. The storm has increased here and hence planets bring misfortune and trouble.
Ardra Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada falls on the Aquarius Navamsa which is ruled by Saturn. It stands for scientific, electrical and result oriented nature. The storm resembles its highest lightning stage and hence planets provide short and sudden raptures of inspiration with immense mental activity.
Planets posited here can give short sudden bursts of inspiration. Mental activity is at its peak in this pada.
Ardra Nakshatra 4th Pada: Natives born in this pada are emotional and caring for others. They are charitable and do not hesitate in giving any financial support to others It relates to the sensitive and compassionate aspect of Ardra. It has a strong desire to help those less fortunate than itself.Planets posited usually give benefice expansive results.
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I could lie about my strengths, my background, my expertise, and even the hours me spend on a project. It might be the largest temptation my face because there are so few auditing features in place. The client has to take a leap of faith when hiring me. I DON'T violate that trust for any reason, especially not to keep the job — which brings me to #2.
2: Say no when necessary
Clients hire me for my opinions, my experience, and my knowledge. Giving them anything less violates their trust and will eventually bite me back, hard. The client might not act on my advice. A disagreement might even lead to a parting of the ways, so it's difficult to speak up when I disagree, but me must.
3: Wait when necessary
Knowing when to wait is the flip side of #2. It's unethical to push my point of view beyond discovery. In other words, it's my job to present what I have learned and my best recommendation. It's not my job to force my recommendation.
4: Concentrate on the client at hand
When charging a client, I belong to that client. I Don't troubleshoot another client's problem; don't even think about another client's project. If I must take a call from one client while at another client's facility, I will be discreet. I will never say, "I've got to take this call" and turn my back on a client in their own facility! If possible, turn my off during these conversations. "Give me a minute to turn off my cellphone so we're not disturbed," goes a long way.
5: Lock the backdoor on my way out
Developers like to code a backdoor that no one else knows about. It's a failsafe method for gaining access when all normal routes fail. When I leave a project, provide documentation for locking or even destroying my backdoor. I have no ethical reason for maintaining it. (I'll get hate mail for this one.)
6: Maintain confidentiality
Due to some consultants have multiple clients in the same field. There's nothing inherently unethical about it. There are lots of IT projects that aren't competitive, so providing those skills to competitors won't put them at risk. Two firms fighting to be the first to market a phone app won't both hire me as a developer. But both might hire me to update their disaster preparedness plan.
To protect myself and my clients, provide full disclosure when working for competitors. In addition, be extremely careful when contracting proprietary details — there's a fine line between my hands and protecting each client's interests.
7: Respect management's confidence
Just as I shouldn't violate confidentiality between clients, I shouldn't spread confidential information through layers of the same company. When the client shares confidential information with me as part of the discovery process, I don't share that information with others in the company. For instance, if I learn from the CEO that the company is preparing to outsource its customer service department, I can't warn my best friend, who works in customer service.
8: Don't stir the pot
Every company has its own drama. I Stay out of it. The only views my client is paying me for are those that support my IT position. Keep my consulting views and leave all the drama to the folks in Human Resources.
9: Report unethical
During the discovery process, I learn that the manager in charge of my project is doing something unethical or illegal (related to the company), I have an obligation to report my findings (not my suspicions) to someone in a position to intercede. However, it's just as unethical (in my opinion) to exclude the manager in question from the process. Call a meeting to present my evidence but invite the manager, too. Take the high road and then find another job, because I can't survive this one.
10: Don't create a dependency
Don't covertly create a dependency just to maintain a relationship (paycheck) with a client. A project might yield a new maintenance or support contract, but it must grow from need and mutual agreement, not or trickery.
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