Created By: Arvind GK
Module 1.
Lesson 1.0: The Beginning
(Use Comments Section for your doubts and question)
What is Kali Linux?
Kali Linux is a Security Distribution of Linux
specifically designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It was
developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the
rewrite of BackTrack. BackTrack was their previous information security
Operating System. The first iteration of Kali Linux was Kali 1.0.0 was
introduced in March 2013. Offensive Security currently funds and supports Kalin
Linux. If you were to visit Kali's website today (, you would see a large banner stating, "Our Most Advanced Penetration Testing
Distribution, Ever." A very bold statement that ironically has yet to be
Kali Linux has over 600 preinstalled penetration-testing
applications to discover. Each program with its unique flexibility and use case.
Kali Linux does excellent job separating these useful utilities into the
following categories:
- Information Gathering
- Vulnerability Analysis
- Wireless Attacks
- Web Applications
- Exploitation Tools
- Stress Testing
- Forensics Tools
- Sniffing & Spoofing
- Password Attacks
- Maintaining Access
- Reverse Engineering
- Reporting Tools
- Hardware Hacking
Who uses Kali Linux and Why?
Kali Linux is truly a unique operating
system, as its one of the few platforms openly used by both good guys and bad
guys. Security Administrators, and Black Hat Hackers both use this operating
system extensively. One to detect and prevent security breaches, and the other
to identify and possibly exploit security breaches. The number of tools
configured and preinstalled on the operating system, make Kali Linux the Swiss
Army knife in any security professionals toolbox.
Professionals that use Kali Linux
Security Administrators – Security Administrators are
responsible for safeguarding their institution's information and data. They use
Kali Linux to review their environment(s) and ensure there are no easily
discoverable vulnerabilities.
Network Administrators – Network
Administrators are responsible for maintaining an efficient and secure network.
They use Kali Linux to audit their network. For example, Kali Linux has the
ability to detect rogue access points.
Network Architects – Network
Architects, are responsible for designing secure network environments. They
utilize Kali Linux to audit their initial designs and ensure nothing was
overlooked or misconfigured.
Pen Testers – Pen Testers, utilize Kali Linux
to audit environments and perform reconnaissance on corporate environments which
they have been hired to review.
CISO – CISO or Chief Information Security
Officers, use Kali Linux to internally audit their environment and discover if
any new applications or rouge configurations have been put in place.
Engineers – Kali Linux posses a "Forensic Mode", which allows a Forensic
Engineer to perform data discovery and recovery in some instances.
Hat Hackers – White Hat Hackers, similar to Pen Testers use Kali Linux to audit
and discover vulnerabilities which may be present in an environment.
Hat Hackers – Black Hat Hackers, utilize Kali Linux to discover and exploit
vulnerabilities. Kali Linux also has numerous social engineer applications,
which can be utilized by a Black Hat Hacker to compromise an organization or
Grey Hat Hackers – Grey Hat Hackers, lie in between White Hat
and Black Hat Hackers. They will utilize Kali Linux in the same methods as the
two listed above.
Computer Enthusiast – Computer Enthusiast is a pretty
generic term, but anyone interested in learning more about networking or
computers, in general, can use Kali Linux to learn more about Information
Technology, networking, and common vulnerabilities.
Getting Kali up and
Directly on a PC, Laptop – Utilizing a Kali ISO image, Kali Linux
can be installed directly onto a PC
Virtualized (VMware, Hyper-V, Oracle
VirtualBox, Citrix) – Kali Linux supports most known hypervisors.
(Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure) – Given the popularity of Kali Linux, both AWS and
Azure provide images for Kali Linux.
USB Boot Disc – Utilizing Kali Linux's
ISO, a boot disc can be created to either run Kali Linux on a machine without
actually installing it or for Forensic purposes.
Windows 10 (App) – Kali
Linux can now natively run on Windows 10, via the Command Line. Not all features
work yet as this is still in beta mode.
Mac (Dual or Single boot) – Kali
Linux can be installed on Mac, as a secondary operating system or as the
primary. Parallels or Mac's boot functionality can be utilized to configure this
GNOME Terminal can be started from the
list of favourite applications. You can also type “terminal” while in the
Activities screen (the one that gets activated when you move the mouse to the
top-left corner) and click on the correct application icon that appears
Command Line Interface or cli, some useful commands
List & Copy
# List all files in a long listing (detailed) format
# Display the present working directory
Create a directory
mkdir directory
# Remove (delete)
rm file
# Remove the directory and its contents
rm -r directory
# Force removal of file
without prompting for confirmation
rm -f file
# Forcefully
remove directory recursively
rm -rf directory
Cat & Yum
View the contents of file
cat file
# Browse through a text
less file
# Display the first 10 lines of file
# Display the last 10 lines of file
tail file
Display the last 10 lines of file and "follow" the file as it grows.
-f file
Cd To go up one level of the directory tree. (Change into the
parent directory.)
cd ..
# Go to the $HOME directory
Change to the /etc directory
cd /etc
Try some on the terminal
Listing Files
If you type $ls -l (-l for long listing)
To list the files and directories stored in the current directory, use the following command −
Here is the sample output of the above command −
kali-linux.png running.png sg30.sdv sg30.thm terminal.png
Here is the sample output of the above command −
total 3840
-rw-r--r-- 1 arvind arvind 215997 May 30 08:54 kali-linux.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 arvind arvind 166717 May 30 09:00 running.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 arvind arvind 2048 Jan 2 11:50 sg30.sdv
-rw-r--r-- 1 arvind arvind 565 Jan 2 11:50 sg30.thm
-rw-r--r-- 1 arvind arvind 3525080 May 30 08:55 terminal.png
The df Command
The first way to manage your partition space is with the df (disk free) command. The command df -k (disk free) displays the disk space usage in kilobytes, as shown below −
out put of df -k will look similar to this
$ df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on udev
1923300 0 1923300 0% /dev
tmpfs 391684 25904 365780 7% /run
/dev/sda6 82045616 59397976 18453336 77% /
tmpfs 1958416 76332 1882084 4% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock
tmpfs 1958416 0 1958416 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0 93568 93568 0 100% /snap/core/8689
/dev/sda3 103182232 80075180 17822652 82% /100
tmpfs 391680 36 391644 1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda7 1038336 106160 932176 11% /media/arvind/9847f076-
Application in KaliLinux
- Nmap. Kali Linux Nmap. ...
- Lynis. Lynis Kali Linux Tool. ...
- WPScan. WordPress is one of the best open source CMS and this would be the best free WordPress security auditing tool. ...
- Aircrack-ng. ...
- Hydra. ...
- Wireshark. ...
- Metasploit Framework. ...
- Skipfish.
Installing Kali Linux in Live Persistence Mode on USB
You will need Kali Linux do to your practical exercise,
I would suggest take a USB drive about 16GB in size and install Kali Linux Live
in persistence mode, why persistence because you can add new application and
save setting, every-time you boot from USB, the previous done activity will be
available as if you have booted from your hard-disk.
Now to
creating persistence drive for your learning exercise.
Follow each
and every steps carefully to avoid unnecessary errors.
Installing Kali
Linux in Live Persistence Mode on USB
STEP 1: Download Kali
Linux ISO Image from the official Kali Linux website
STEP 2: Then Download
Power iso, and create a bootable USB.
STEP 3: Now your are ready for the
installation, Reboot your device and enter into Boot Menu.
STEP 4: choose
the Bootable USB stick and you will see the Kali Linux installation option, In
that choose Live system ( 1st option ).
NOTE: While entering to Live Kali
Linux generally it won’t ask for username and password. In case if it asked then
Type “ root “ as username and “ toor “ as password. ( the latest version of Kali
linux will not have this standard password, you will be asked to enter the
STEP 5: Now open up your terminal and type the following commands
one by one.“ fdisk -l
#the above command will list out all the disk that
are available in your Laptop or PC . Now note down the USB name ( mostly it will
be /dev/sdb ).
fdisk /dev/sdb
#now it will ask you for command, type n and hit enter
Now press enter 4 times, and type w and hit enter.
#we have successfully created the partition.
Installing Kali Linux in Live Persistence Mode on USB
fdisk -l
#now check whether the partition has been created or not ( copy the name of the partition that you created now eg: /dev/sdb3 )
mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb3
#wait until it complete and after it completes type,
e2label /dev/sdb3 persistence
#the above command will label the partition with the name persistence
mkdir -p /mnt/hackison (you can use any name )
mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/hackison
echo “/ union” > /mnt/hackison/persistence.conf
umount /dev/sdb3
reboot your laptop or Pc. and enter into your boot menu
STEP 6: In the Kali
Linux Boot Menu choose the 4th option Live system ( Persistence )
Now Let’s check whether the persistence is working good or not. To do that just
change your background or create a new folder.
STEP 8: Now reboot your
device and again enter into Live System ( Persistence)
NOTE: Each and every
time when you want to go to persistence mode you need to choose that option.
Got Introduced to Kali Linux
We saw who uses it
We saw why it is
Command line
Installation of Kali Linux
saw some of the application that comes a standard with it.
Use comment section for your doubts and questions
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