Mahishasura Mardini - Durga
Rahu Dasa
The 18 years of hellish life, nothing better that self experience.Life has suddenly taken a roller coaster ride or you can say the life was raided. You expect something and something else will happen, you will be become so low in life, you will feel useless even if you are qualified no one will give you work.
You want a driver licence, you will not get one, so many reasons will pop up for you to not get one, exactly on the day of issue even government will change some rule that will forbid for you getting a simple driving licence.
All the so-called info if Rahu is in 6th houses, it will not be tough is all not true, for me Rahu is in 6th house, This is personal experience speaking.
Prepare yourself, this is like purva janma karma, what ever you do will not work, people will say and brand you useless, all will change once Guru dasa starts.
Only one advice, mediate as much as possible, pray to god, every word you spoke will be acting against you. What ever may be the situation, just look at what you have to achieve in long time and focus on it, make attempt to overcome but don't look at failure , try again something else. The most important thing is not to lose focus and confidence, act ethical.
The only God that seems to having some control is Mahishasura Mardini Maa Durga, hence added the image in the start, ok agreed, I am so scared of Rahu
What is Rahu ?
In Hindu Astrology Rahu represents materialism, mischief, fear, in-satisfaction, obsession and confusion.
Rahu is found in the Puranic genre of mythology. The tale begins in the “remotest periods of prehistoric time, when the gods and asuras churned the Milk Ocean to extract from it the Amrita, the elixir of immortality.”
Rahu was present at that time and overcome with pride. Mohini, the female avatar of Vishnu, started distributing Amrit to the Devtaas. However, one Danav, Svarbhanu, sat in the row of devtaas and drank the Amrit.
The Sun God and the Moon God noticed him, and they informed Mohini; however, by that time Svarbhanu, had already become immortal. Vishnu as Mohini cut off Svarbhanu’s head with Sudarshan Chakra.
Rahu-ketu could not die but his head was separated from his body and his head came to be known as Rahu, while his body came to be known as Ketu.
Following this event, Rahu and Ketu were given the responsibility to influence the lives of the humans on Earth
What happens in Rahu Mahadasha ! 18 years of Roller Coaster
There is often unnecessary negativity associated with Rahu Mahadasha. Let's see how it affects one. The actual degree of effect will depend on the specific Kundli. Here we have specified generic effects.
An 18-year-long period cannot be categorized, but there are few things that Rahu will make you do.
1. Materialism, The Maya ! Happiness = Money + Comforts + Success
You will become part of this rat race and chase material things. The thirst won’t be quenched !
The Mirage that you are following will break sooner or later. Happiness = Money + Comforts + Success , This equation will rule your thought process !
Tip: Rahu driven Maya will make you materialistic to the point of being insane. Remember to not tie your goals only to money in this period!
2. Sudden unforeseen events, Good as well as bad …
Sudden gains or loss will keep you on your toes
Unforeseen events will be the hallmark of this period.
Tip: Embrace the unplanned changes in life ! The more you will try to control your life, the more disappointment you will breed.
3. Highs & Lows of life
It is said that the rahu Mahadasha 18-year period makes the person undergo majority of dharma he is born for. He will see both highs and lows of life
Tip: Forget the status quo, Life will not be a straight line…
4. Relocation away from home. In some cases foreign !
Rahu is the signification of foreign lands.
For a villager, a town might seem to be an alien land. The definition of “foreign” is a little hazy here.
Tip: Do not neglect your family, not matter where you move…
5. Confusion
A hazy mindset will keep you confused
There will be a lot of overthinking and over-analysis
Tip: Keep calm and do not overdo the thinking part
6. Over Ambition
You will set unrealistic goals for you
You might neglect everything, including your family, to achieve these ambitions
Tip: Maintain a balance between your ambitions and happiness.
7. Addiction
You will be prone to some sort of addiction, not necessarily only toxic
Tip: Do not get hooked to things, people, stuff.
8. Big change in Lifestyle & Status
Life and Lifestyle will change a lot. You will see both sides of life in this period
Tip: Do not risk it all… Be cautious in things like stock market and gambling …
9. Unending Desires
Desires won't end. You will not be happy no matter how much you achieve.
It's a simple mathematics, If Desire is Money, Money is Number and Numbers do not end
Tip: Be practical, Expect feasible stuff
10. Wealth vs Health
Take care of your health
This rat race might give you success and fame, but at the cost of your health and personal life.
Tip: Health is wealth, do not mess with your health. Specially during the last phase of Rahu-Mars !
Only solace is prayed to Ma Durga.
Very informative and enriching . Can you put some lights of Rahu antardasha. If Rahu placed in 8th house with Venus !!
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