Shakti (Power): Prinana Shakti (The Power to “Give Fulfilment and Joy”)
Symbol: Deer’s / Antelope’s Head/ Arched Bow
Deity: Soma, Chandra (The Moon God), God of Soma (Nectar) or Immortality
Favourable: Light Hearted Actions, Travel, Exploration, Sexual Activity, Arts, Healing and Rejuvenation, Education, Socializing, Shifting Home, Moving to a New Location, Communication, Religion and Spirituality, Sales and Advertisement, Taking New Name, Art and Creative Pursuits, Socializing and Making New Friends, Health and Revitalization, Gardening, Advertising, Spiritual initiations
Unfavourable: Marriage, Harsh or Aggressive Action such as Confrontation or Combat, Pre-nuptial Ceremonies, Long Term Decisions.
Key Themes
Spirituality, Meditation and Substance Abuse
Pleasure-seeking and Multiple Relationships
Illegitimate Children, Perfumes and Brewing
Key Points
Deer is a lunar animal, swift, lightness, fickleness
Initially marriage problems. Under suspicions nature and little quarrels.
Bhudda was also born in this Nakshatra.
Birth sign of skhakthi, Prarvati & World of manifestation on this Nakshatra.
Curiosity, Hunting, Searching connected to Nakshatra.
Star: Mrigashira
Rasi (Zodiac): Taurus / Gemini
Range: 23o 20’ Taurus – 06o 40’ Gemini
Padas: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
Ruling Planet: Mars
Meaning: “The Deer’s Head” or “The Benevolent”
Indication: “The Searching Star”
Guna (Quality): Tamas
Body Part: Eyes and Eyebrows
Gana (Race): Deva (Divine, God-Like Dispositions)
Purushartha (Goal): Moksha (Spiritual Liberation/ Emancipation)
Tridosha: Pitta (Bile or Fire + Water)
Nature/ Category of Star: Mridu (Soft/ Mild/ Tender)
Varna (Caste): Farmer/ Servant
Gotra (Clan): Pulastya (name translates as “One having Smooth Hair”)
Direction: South
Pancha Mahabhuta (Element): Prithvi (Earth)
Basis Above: To Extend
Basis Below: To Weave or Produce Clothing
Desire: To Gain Lordship over Plants
Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Make the World Enjoyable
Activity: Passive
TriMurthi (Process): Vishnu (Maintain)
Direction of Mouth / Motion: Tiryanga Mukha (Looking Straight/ Looking Forward/ Level)
Yoni (Gender): Female
Animal Symbol: Serpent
Bird: Hen, Garuda/ Eagle, Pigeon
Sounds: Ve, Vo, Kaa, Kee
Tree/ Plant: Khair, Khadira, Milmesha/Cutch Tree (Latin Name: Acacia Catechu)
Colour: Silver Grey
Elements connected to Mrigasira Nakshatra
Deity | Soma |
Symbol | Deer’s Head |
Planet | Mars |
Purushartha | Moksha |
Gana | Deva |
Varna | Farmer/ Servant |
Element | Prithvi (Earth) |
TriMurthi | Vishnu (Preserver) |
Animal | Female Serpent |
Bird | Hen) |
Tree | Cutch Tree |
Sound | Ve, Vo, Kaa, Kee |
Marriage on this Nakshatra. Intial problems in marriage and problems.
Chandra & Tara (Wife of Bhrihaspathi)
Tara was the wife of Brihaspati, the guru of Devas. It required extra-ordinarily long hours of working (sometimes even 25 hours a day), chanting of mantras and developing strategies to combat the Asuras. Chandra eloped with tara. He is not going to return the wife of brithaspathi. She willing to came here. There was a battle between the gods.
Bhrama was settled the war to send back the tara. Finally Chandra agreed to go back. But at that time tara was already pregnant. The illegitimate child born bhudha. After that bhrihaspathi accepted and adopted as own child.
Bhramma & Sarawasthi
Bhraman created sarawsti. She take form of dear. He taken form of stag and searching for her. Rudra came to play and chopped the 5th head of bhrama.
Mrigashirsha Nakshatra : Mrigashirsha 23-20 Taurus to 6-40′ Gemini
General Characteristics : Spiritual intelligence and research abilities, primary motivation – spiritual liberation, lack firm or fixed views, capable yet timid, good speech and active habits.
Translation : Having the face of a deer.
Symbol : Antelope’s head
Animal symbol: Female serpent – sensual seductive nature.
Ruling planet: Mars
Nature: Deva (god-like)
Mrigashira Nakshatra 1st Pada: It makes the native educated, intelligent, passionate, creative and good explorer. Problems related to male progeny are indicated but he will have daughters. Marital life will be average. We can recognize the native by his/her piercing eyes and sharp nails.
With the Sun as the lord, they have the will, capacity and enthusiasm to finish any work undertaken.Their nature is that of a king. Undertaking tasks beyond their capacity they will struggle to complete it, and with effort too.
Mrigashira Nakshatra 2nd Pada: People born in this combination are practical, social, calculative and humorous. But if the Nakshatra is afflicted, it may make the native adulterous. Native may have keen interests in singing and music. They become good soldiers With Mercury as lord, the Mrigashira Nakshshatra native shines as an illustrious scholar with literary and cultural tastes. He will be interested in performing religious ceremonies, but may be a little short-tempered.
Mrigashira Nakshatra 3rd Pada: People born in this pada will be good explorer but have hyper suspicious, impulsive and freaky nature. They always need some good counselor or advisor in taking important decisions of life.This pada relates to the intellectual, argumentative, suspicious, flaky and whimsical part of this nakshatra.
Mrigashira Nakshatra 4th Pada: People born in this pada will be good explorer but have hyper suspicious, impulsive and freaky nature. They always need some good counsellor or advisor in taking important decisions of life. Just as every star has some good features, the names too assigned to the natives born under each pada give some good characteristics.
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